Healing Points Issue 31

Provided by Richard Grossman, L.Ac., O.M.D., Ph.D.

Volume 4, Issue 31
Tuesday, February 09, 2010


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Dr. Grossman

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Please feel free to forward this and all other issues of Healing Points to friends, relatives, etc.  The information here could save a life.

Welcome to Issue 31 of Healing Points. This marks the beginning of four years of publication. As you can see, there are quite a few changes in this issue.  I hope you enjoy the new format.

 I offer Healing Points to you as a gift and as a service.  I spend many hours each week reading current stories that relate to natural health care, and I provide them here for you as an educational public service. I hope you find this valuable.  Remember, success or failure in life is often created by the small changes we make.  I specifically chose the information in Healing Points to help you make those small, life enhancing changes.

In The News:

(Click on Title to view full article)

Doctor Says Yoga May Be Prescription For Better Health

Yoga may be one of the hottest fitness trends sweeping the country, but a Florida State University medical educator thinks it also may be the prescription for ailments ranging from headaches to heart disease.

Babies' Mental Delay Tied to Moms' Vegan Diet

The breast-fed infants of two mothers who did not eat any animal products, including milk and eggs, developed brain abnormalities as a result of a vitamin-B12 deficiency, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported Thursday.

Smoking, Obesity Ups Woman's Hot Flashes

Cigarette smoking and obesity may predispose a woman to hot flashes during menopause, findings from a recent study suggest.

Many in US Take Too-High Pain Reliever Dose

Many Americans are exceeding recommended doses of over-the-counter pain relievers and ignoring critical label information, according to a new national poll.

Fat That May Benefit Diabetics Reduces Weight, Blood Sugar

Supplementing the diet with a certain fatty acid may lead to better weight control and disease management in diabetics, a new study suggests. Diabetics who added an essential fatty acid called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) to their diets had lower body mass as well as lower blood sugar levels by the end of the eight-week study.

Study Is First To Confirm Link Between Exercise And Changes In Brain

Three key areas of the brain adversely affected by aging show the greatest benefit when a person stays physically fit. The proof, scientists say, is visible in the brain scans of 55 volunteers over age 55.

UNC Study Confirms That Food Portion Sizes Increased In U.S. Over Two Decades

Between 1977 and 1996, portion sizes for key food groups grew markedly in the United States, not only at fast-food restaurants but also in homes and at conventional restaurants, a new study shows.

Vitamins May Protect Against Heart Disease

A UCLA research team has discovered that a popular health supplement and antioxidant vitamins may help prevent atherosclerosis, or blockage of the blood vessels. The findings are reported in the Jan. 13 online edition of the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Dogs On Fatty Diet May Give Clues To Human Disease Development

Coonhound puppies on diets containing the type of fat found in deep-fried foods are furthering understanding of how these fats contribute to aging and development of human diseases such as atherosclerosis and cancer, according to Purdue University scientists.

Sugar risk: It can make you hungry

Just in time for the crunch -- and munch -- of Girl Scout cookie sales, a new study is linking sugar consumption with how much Americans eat.

Pause a minute before you gobble up that Thin Mint or chocolate smothered All About. You'll eat one, but you won't stop there. Before you know it, maybe the entire pack has disappeared into your mouth.






Music Hath the Power . .

I am very happy to announce that my first CD of deeply healing music is about to enter the publication phase.  All CD's purchased before publication date will be personally autographed, and will have shipping included. Click Here  to hear some samples and for information on purchase.


Special Events for Women


Women's Drumming and yoga Retreat in Hawaii, April 13-19, 2003 at Kalani Oceanside Retreat Center

Since ancient times, women have gathered to celebrate with drumming, dancing and singing. Please join us on The Big Island of Hawaii as we connect with this beautiful lineage. We will spend seven days and six nights learning drumming traditions from the Middle East, Africa and India; West African Dancing and Drumming, 2 daily yoga classes, drumming by beach bonfires, traditional rhythmic chants from India, meditation, wilderness excursions to explore the beauty of the Big Island, healthy cuisine, and free time to "injoy" Kalani's full day spa, pools, and jacuzzi.

Marla will also be teaching a women's drumming workshop, "Drumming in the Feminine" in Topanga starting in February 2003. You can also learn more about this on her website: www.marlaleigh.com, or call 661.645.0724

From the Healing Points Kitchen

Dr. Grossman's breakfast drink - designed to supply a plethora of great anti-aging and health increasing nutrition. This takes less than 5 minutes to prepare.

1 cup Kefir or whole raw milk (if available) or apple juice

1 (organic) banana
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1 tbs. ground Flax Seeds
1/4 cup Thai Kitchen coconut milk
2 tbs. Brewers Yeast (Lewis Labs is great)
Rice Based or whey Protein Powder
Fiber (optional)

Blend until smooth. Drink slowly.

Social Action

Because Healing must occur on a planetary level as well as a personal level. I will highlight a different cause each issue here.  If it resonates with you, please take action.

From Deena Metzger, author, teacher, and healer.

Perhaps this is a vision. 

I have prayed to know what to do and how to be at this eleventh hour.  There is an outcry from everywhere in the world.  People everywhere are coming forth to say No to a war that could annihilate everything.  But we do not yet see the way to stop this war. 

Here is one way that we can walk for the sake of all living things.  A way with a heart and with great possibility.

I have asked how we have come to this?  How we have come to the place where one can imagine inflicting the equivalent of another Hiroshima?    How have we become so mad?  Read the rest here.


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