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To Speak with
Dr. Grossman
Share Healing Points™ with Family and Friends
Welcome to Issue 32
of Healing Points.
I offer Healing Points™ to you as a gift and as a service. I spend
many hours each week reading current stories that relate to natural health
care, and I provide them here for you as an educational public service.
I hope you find this valuable. Remember, success or failure in life
is often created by the small changes we make. I specifically chose
the information in Healing Points to help you make those small, life
enhancing changes.
An Invitation
Starting on April 7, I will be providing group sound-healing experiences
every Monday evening after the New Moon. These events will be held at
The Elder Tree in
Topanga Canyon. The time will be from 7:30 till about 9:00pm.
All are invited to enjoy this profound experience of healing and
consciousness. Please
you would like more information or reservations.
My breath and my whole physical being became
one with the vibrations of the music. I was transported beyond the small
room into vast realms where my consciousness roamed unhindered. Dr.
Grossman’s creative ability coupled with his sensitivity as a healer is a
key to the deeply felt resonance with our body and Spirit.
-David Sonnenschein,
Author "Sound Design - The Expressive Power of Music, Voice and Sound
Effects in Cinema"
Special Spring Message
Spring is rapidly approaching. Spring is a time of renewal and
cleansing, and there is no better time of the year than Spring to experience
the wonderful benefits of systemic detoxification. Simply, there is nothing
you can do that will benefit your health more than a good Spring Cleanse.
Our bodies are constantly bombarded by toxins from the environment, and from
toxins created within our bodies as natural by-products of metabolism.
Helping your body properly rid itself of these toxins can increase energy,
reduce or eliminate muscular pain, eliminate constipation and other
digestive disorders, result in profound fat loss, and many other benefits.
If you would like to have a detoxification consultation, give me a call at
In The News:
(Click on Title to view full article)
Scientists have found yet another reason to slim down: The high blood
sugar so common among the overweight may contribute to the fogged memory of
old age.
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins Children's Center and the Johns Hopkins
Bloomberg School of Public Health report that male rats whose mothers were
fed diets containing genistein, a chemical found in soybeans, developed
abnormal reproductive organs and experienced sexual dysfunction as adults.
Fruits and veggies grown organically show significantly higher levels of
cancer-fighting antioxidants than conventionally grown foods, according to a
new study of corn, strawberries and marionberries. The research suggests
that pesticides and herbicides actually thwart the production of phenolics —
chemicals that act as a plant's natural defense and also happen to be good
for our health.
Stroke patients with higher levels of a natural anti-inflammatory chemical
called interleukin-10 (IL-10) in their blood suffer less brain damage after
a stroke, according to a study published in Stroke: Journal of the American
Heart Association. This finding may represent a new way to minimize stroke
damage, stroke death and improve recovery.
Purdue University experts say consumers should fish for information before
buying seafood to make sure the benefits outweigh the risks.
Eating whole-grain foods such as fiber-rich breakfast cereals, brown
rice, barley and oatmeal may cut a person's risk of type 2 diabetes, new
study findings from Finland suggest.
People with diabetes may be able to ward off colds and other minor
infections by taking a daily multivitamin, according to a study released
Overweight and obese people who try to lose weight may live longer than
people who do not try to shed excess pounds, according to a new study, which
also found that people who tried but failed to trim down were less likely to
die than those who made no attempt.
How a husband reacts to his wife's breast cancer scars can have a big
impact on her sense of femininity and the overall health of the couple's
relationship, a new study finds.
Music Hath the Power
I am very happy to announce that my first CD of deeply healing music is
about to enter the publication phase. All CD's purchased before
publication date will be personally autographed, and will have shipping
included. Click Here
to hear some samples and for information on purchase.
From the Healing Points Kitchen
Many people do not really know how to make whole grains taste good.
Here is a recipe for what has been affectionately called "Dr. Grossman's
totally weird but oddly delicious breakfast cereal. Before turning up
your nose, give it a try. Enjoyment guaranteed.
1/4 cup millet
1/2 cup rolled oats
2 cups water
1/2 onion
1 tbs. Tamari Soy Sauce
1 tbs. raw Tahini
1/2 cup (or more) green vegetables like broccoli, kale, collard
greens, or parsley
Put the millet, chopped onion, and Tamari in pot. Bring to boil and
cook at a simmer for 20 minutes. Add the rest of the ingredients,
bring back to a boil and simmer 10 more minutes. Add more tamari to
taste. This is really, really good.
Social Action
Because Healing must occur on a planetary level as well
as a personal level. I will highlight a different cause each issue here.
If it resonates with you, please take action.
From Deena Metzger, author, teacher, and healer.
Perhaps this is a vision.
I have prayed to know what to do and how to be at this
eleventh hour. There is an outcry from everywhere in the world.
People everywhere are coming forth to say No to a war that could annihilate
everything. But we do not yet see the way to stop this war.
Here is one way that we can walk for the sake of all
living things. A way with a heart and with great possibility.
I have asked how we have come to this? How we
have come to the place where one can imagine inflicting the equivalent of
another Hiroshima? How have we become so mad?
Read the rest here.
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