Healing Points Issue 41

Provided by Richard Grossman, L.Ac., O.M.D., Ph.D.

Volume 5, Issue 41   
Tuesday, February 09, 2010


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Dr. Grossman

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An Invitation

On  Monday January 26, 2004  another group sound-healing experience will be held at The Elder Tree in Topanga Canyon. I cannot put into words how wonderful, healing and transformative these evens have been.  I've heard stories of miraculous insights and healings from many participants. 

The time will be from 7:30 till about 9:00pm, and a $15.00 donation is requested, though no one will be turned away for lack of funds. All are invited to enjoy this profound experience of healing and consciousness. Please RSVP if you would like more information or reservations as space is somewhat limited.

If you can't make this one, the next Monday Evening Sound Healing event will be held on February 23, 2004, and the following on March 29th, so mark your calendars!  A full schedule for 2004 can be found at my Calendar of Events page.


A thought:

Everything you se has its’ roots in the unseen world.

The forms may change,  yet the essence remains the same.

Every wonderful site will vanish; Every sweet word will fade.

But do not be disheartened, the source they come from is eternal.

Growing, branching out, giving new life and joy.

Why do you weep?

The source is within you.

Plunge, plunge into the vast ocean of Consciousness,

Let the drop of water that is you become a hundred mighty seas.

But do not think that the drop alone becomes the ocean.

The Ocean too, becomes the drop.



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